
Step by Step Wellness Program

black woman lookingout window

I help clients reach their wellness goals by equipping them with simple strategies to integrate into their daily routines.

Would you like to have a deeper restorative sleep, maybe kick the sugar habit, make better food choices, or bring order to a cluttered environment? Perhaps you just want to feel better in your body, defeat negative thinking, and strengthen your relationship with Christ. Zechariah 4:10 reminds us there's value in a humble start... "Don't despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin..." Did you catch that! He rejoices in our small steps toward good things. He desires that we care for our bodies, and if we're willing, He will lead and guide us along the journey. However, we must take that first step. 

I know what it's like to recognize the need for change, however, lack the focus, energy, and motivation to make the change. Or worse yet, make a big start just to end up starting over and over again. Step by Step emphasizes the importance of addressing each part of our being... body, soul, and spirit as each part affects the other.  


I offer a free 15-minute call to discuss your needs, explain the process, and answer any questions you may have. There are no contracts. You may find you need only a few sessions to get a system in place, identify self-sabotaging behaviors, explore spiritual issues, etc. Others may find they need coaching throughout the whole process. 

I consider your unique needs and goals, as we examine habits, attitudes, relationships, routines, and priorities. As we identify your goals, we'll break them down into manageable steps. Of course, this process is without judgement. We're all in need of God's grace.

I believe education prompts change. We'll discuss how gut health effects mental health, using essential oils to manage appetite and mood, the importance of sleep, clearing the clutter, and more. 

Let's talk! I'd love to hear about your challenges and goals. The Lord's plan for your life is truly amazing! Check His resume friend. He specializes in taking the small and insignificant and creating abundance! I hope to talk to you soon.

happy white man outside on bench

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